In a recent hack day at work, a coworker approached me about toying around with D3, a cool Javascript library to do really rich, interactive visualizations of data. Since my last hack day I only decided to quietly redo my site, I decided to jump in on the fun.
In a nutshell, D3.js is AWESOME, THE BEES KNEES, EPIC…. and a great way to make you remember geometry 
We ended up creating a visualized way of monitoring events with our home product, so you can see alarm notifications, arming info, etc. all on a cool little graph. Best thing about, it’s all real-time, must better than the cached long poll list that is there now.
Tech used: node.js,, d3.js, html5, css3, phantomjs, …
Great fun, I hope to participate in more of these hack days, as it has branched out into me hacking together things for other hobbies of mine….