Nice new App Creator in ServiceNow

Well, I wish I would have had this at a previous job.  This is really nice approach to building apps in the system, and will definitely make it easier and quicker to build IT apps without muddying up the core application, and further “hindering people from trivial tasks”.  With the amount of hacking I used to do in there, I wonder how hackable this is in the sense of keeping everything contained.  I’ll probably do some tinkering with their demo site just to see.  Well done ServiceNow!

P90X? So 2012. Try the App Creator. | ServiceNow Community.

(Also love the new Santa Clara office building I saw a couple of weeks ago, guess that means no more “renting”)

[update]: Another tidbit one of my friends at the ServiceNow conference just sent me, a way to tie a real editor (Sublime in this case) into working with SN scripting: